Proudly helping others gain value and voice around the the globe since 2014!

“Gordon is a recognized leader on equity issues and a natural bridge builder. In addition to his formal education, his professional coaching certification is as an extension of who he is at heart and represents his desire to help shape a more just and equitable society for all. Now more than ever, it is crucial to have individuals like Gordon – whose training, education, and life experiences center on issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion – supporting this important work. He is keenly adept at meeting people where they are to better understand and reveal sources of implicit biases, address the dangers of those biases, and to prompt positive, lasting behavioral change.”

Nimol Hen, MPA
Director, First-Generation and Multicultural (FaM) Business Program
University of Colorado Denver

• I will maintain a professional relationship with my clients, mentees, and students at all times.

• I will keep my client’s, mentee’s, and student’s interests above my own throughout our interactions and our work together.

• I will maintain, guard and guarantee my client’s, mentee’s, and student’s confidentially as appropriate.

• I will encourage my clients, mentees, and  students to believe in themselves, set realistic goals, take appropriate actions, and celebrate successes.

• I will develop lasting relationships built on a foundation of honesty, integrity and respect.

• I will commit all of my professional experience, energy and focus to helping every mentee, student and client I serve.

• I will promote success in every mentee, student, and client I serve.

• I will provide my clients, mentees, and students with a safe and nurturing experience, which will allow them to be themselves without fear of judgment, criticism or failure.

• I will remain committed to professional excellence in all that I do and all I provide.