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Train the Trainer
Facilitation Techniques & Self Care Tips To Help Avoid Blowups and Burnout

Have you ever felt that you have simply come to your wit’s end while working with students, often times resulting in higher stress levels on and off the job? Although, working with students can be super fulfilling and joyous most times, at other times it can be extremely challenging. One thing we can do to start us down an adjusted pathway is to remove the notion of control and think of the related dynamics as building cohesiveness. Facilitators – although responsible for building this dynamic with their student teams – must also be equitable, charming, fun, enthusiastic, welcoming, and likable. We can be all of these things much better for ourselves and our students through positively and effectively joining our didactic nature, our education, our lived experience, our professionalism, and our personal demeanor. This workshop provides tips and techniques, not only for working in the classroom, but also for a facilitator’s regrouping, renewal, reflection, and replenishment. Resulting in a big picture perspective that is fed by a stronger connection to self, your mission, and your personal and professional why.

Learning Objectives
Gain techniques for engaging with students on a more equitable and cohesive plain in order to create a more effective two way teaching and learning experience.
Learn methods to help you stay calm, collected and connected in classroom environments.
Finding renewed value and reason in your mission and work.

This workshop consists of various interactive components. From guided discussion to hands on activities for small and large group and opportunities to share out.

All Sunny Boy programs are based in Social Emotional Learning

…including SEL Program Quality Assessment and Social Emotional Advanced Learning, always adhering to the core competencies of SEL and related disciplines:

  1. Self-Awareness
  2. Self-Management
  3. Responsible Decision Making
  4. Social Awareness
  5. Relationship Skills

These core competencies and related disciplines are vital and many times required by schools, districts, and youth organizations as a basis for solid educational programs.