Yay - the CU Denver First-Generation and Multicultural (FaM) Business Program launch event for the 3rd cohort of awesome students last Friday was fantastic! Nimol and Dom are doing such…
...going on Monday, Labor Day, September 2nd, 4 - 6 pm. The event is hosted by the American Youth Soccer Organization in coordination with Denver Dream Center and Denver Police…
¿Sabías que Sunny Boy trabaja con las Escuelas Públicas de Denver y la Alianza Después de la Escuela de Denver en una asociación oficial? ¡No esperes otro año escolar para…
Did you know that Sunny Boy works with Denver Public Schools and the Denver After School Alliance in an official partnership? Don’t wait another school year to schedule enrichment, workshops,…
“It can be a tough world out there, don’t let society at large convince you that you that you are small and insignificant - you are certainly not!” #SunnyBoyFoundation #SBF…
...los programas de Sunny Boy incluyen el proceso de SMART Goals y que Sunny Boy ha facilitado múltiples talleres de SMART Goals para muchos estudiantes? ¡Reunámonos y ayudemos a los…
...that Sunny Boy programs include the SMART Goals process and that Sunny Boy has facilitated multiple SMART Goals workshops for many students? Let’s get together and help students reveal and…
“Ask yourself… Through my hard work today, where do I wish to land tomorrow and what action steps shall I take to get there?” #SunnyBoyFoundation #SBF #unity #kindnessisbeautiful #peace #harmony…