Sunny Boy Programs are wonderful and creative music based youth enrichment and wellness programs, through which to teach and reinforce lessons and concepts of self-value, love, inclusion, equity, membership and belonging, unity, kindness, empathy, and diversity. The programs are designed for middle and high school with super positive, effective, and practical lessons and takeaways. And, no matter what the youth’s age, all lessons and learning outcomes, language, and activities are designed to be appropriate no matter what the demographic. Associated materials are also designed in an inclusive and respectful way that makes them very effective teaching and learning tools.

Sunny Boy workshops, enrichment programs, and Key Notes are available for classrooms, conferences, retreats, and after school programs.

Workshops are designed to address multiple learning styles including: Aural (auditory-musical); Verbal (linguistic); Physical (kinesthetic); Logical (mathematical); Social (interpersonal); Solitary (intra-personal)
Sunny Boy programs can be customized especially for your organization, youth group or event, and even be a component of a longer learning experience (e.g. conferences, retreats, etc.

Sunny Boy Jim Jack Jones is great for assemblies and as a keynote for youth conferences, as well.

Click here for Sunny Boy scheduling requests.
Find us on Denver City Government’s Youth Program Locator by clicking here.

Reach out now and let’s bring Sunny Boy to your school, group, organization, or event!